Using Waxing Moon Energy

The waxing moon for waxing moon energyIt’s easy to declare an intention, but  another thing to bring it to fruition. Many people celebrate the New Moon, setting intentions and conducting ceremonies to honor or empower them with New Moon energy. This is a wonderful ancient tradition. However, it’s just as important to shepherd your intentions forward and ensure their success. You can do this using Waxing Moon energy to reinforce and adjust your plans as you go forward.

Moreover, you can continue to work on your desired change through the entire lunar cycle and even multiple cycles continuously working toward a bigger goal.

The Moon As a Symbol of Change

Through time cultures all around the world gazed at the moon with interest and often reverence. While the role the moon played in cultures differed, there are many similarities as well. For example, the moon is commonly considered a symbol of transformation. Its constantly changing form was thought to dictate certain regular patterns in nature such as animal migration as well as certain behaviors in people.

The moon is typically associated with night and the energies of the night despite its regular monthly appearance during the daylight hours. But, of course, it’s more conspicuous in the night sky. And, it’s certainly the largest celestial body.

Moon Cycles:

As you’re probably award, the moon’s cycle is divided into four phases. Some break the two intermediary phases (waxing and waning) into additional phases. Some pagans and Wiccans, for example, talk about the Black Moon and Half Moon. First Nations people further distinguish between the different moons throughout the year such as the Flower Moon in the spring or Beaver Moon in autumn. Each of these different lunar cycles or moons have a particular significance and energy.

Which Phase of the Moon Is Waxing

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Waxing Moon is segment of the lunar cycle when the illuminated part of the moon is on the right side and growing. It occurs after the New Moon and continuously grows over approximately 7.38 days when it ultimately becomes the Full Moon.

How Do You Know the Moon is Waxing?

It depends on which hemisphere you’re in.

Northern Hemisphere:

  1. The illuminated side is to the right and is becoming larger from right to left.
  2. The moon is visible at night.

Southern Hemisphere:

  1. The moon’s illuminated side is to the left and is becoming larger from left to right.
  2. The moon is visible at night.

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere and  you want to see how the moon  looks in the Southern Hemisphere, just look at these Northern Hemisphere photos upside down: turn your screen upside down. Alternatively, while moon grazing at night, bend over, look through your legs so you view the night sky upside down. The view will be just like that in the Southern Hemsphere.

Waxing Moon Energy

The New Moon is about beginnings, committing to intentions, initiating change, and rediscovery. They start as an inspiration that is then cultivated and nurtured over the coming lunar stages, and, in particular, the Waxing Moon. This is what the energy of the Waxing Moon is about. It shepherds an intention or initiated change to fruition or fulfillment.

Moving With the Energy of the Cycle

Many believe that as the moon grows from a thin crescent to a thick semi-spherical form, its influence intensifies. Following this logic, you might take smaller steps (even tiny steps) during the earlier days of the phase. Bigger steps and efforts to move past significant challenges, e.g., overcoming chronic undesirable behavior patterns or chronic illness, are best executed as you near the Half Moon.

Reinforcing the Commitment to Change

The energy of Waxing Moon is less about joyfully opening and embracing change and more about getting down to the business of implementation. It’s about assuring that your inner stage is appropriately set and supported for new growth and successful transition.

It’s an opportunity to look inward, reflect, gain perspective, and weigh options or strategies. This is an excellent time for mind-body and inner relationship work.

During the Waxing Moon, any resistance or personal challenges are to be overcome and this can require strength, courage, insight, fortitude, and perseverance. This doesn’t mean that you willfully suppress doubts and fears or blindly push toward the finish line. Rather you allow yourself the opportunity to reflect, notice, and listen to what’s coming up for you. Only then do you take additional steps.

Assessment and Adjustment to Plans:

The Waxing Moon is a time for you to check in with yourself, assess, and make any necessary adjustments to approaches or strategies set in motion during the New Moon. During this phase, you monitor your progress and strengthen or reinforce your conviction, drawing on the creativity and flexibility of an open heart and mind.

You might set reasonable benchmarks and tie them to appropriate rewards. This is a good time to reassess your personal care practices and adjust them to reflect a temporary or longer-term change in needs.

Calling in Reinforcements

The Waxing Moon is about drawing in energy, power, opportunity, and abundance. It’s about attracting people and things (e.g., a soul mate, a new job, prosperity). This is the perfect time to put the energy of your intentions out there and to network. You may also consider hiring a coach for additional support. In this way, the Waxing Moon gives your aspirations, plans, and actions an extra boost.

Challenges of Starting Something New

The emotions experienced when initiating something new depending on the individual and the circumstances. Changing gears and starting anew can involve uncertainty, vulnerability, fear, and stress even when the change is something you want. You may have to put yourself out there in ways you’ve never done before using latent talents that have never been tested. These situations call for confidence, courage, and conviction. If the change takes the form of a process rather than a one-off event, some perseverance may also be required.

Using the Energy of the Waxing Moon:

Of course, you can always start something new at any time, regardless of the phase of the moon. Some transitions, such as professional promotions can come out of the blue and follow their own course. You just need to go with it.

But, even in these unpredicted or uncontrolled circumstances, you can choose how you want to navigate the change: how you would like to respond and move forward given what has happened. What’s key here is the energy of the moon can be your assistant in this process.

Encouraging and Benefiting From Reflection

Both the Waning and Waxing Moons are about reflection thus the practices are fairly similar such as mediation and inner work, but the orientation is quite different. For the Waxing Moon the orientation is on what works, opportunities, and moving forward. Some good practices include:

  • Meditation
  • Walking alone in nature with an open focus or open mind
  • Journaling about your progress and what comes up as you move through your process
  • Vision Boards that represent not only the ultimate goal but some anticipated major benchmarks
  • Daydreaming
  • Dream interpretation focusing on how the dream story orients you forward
  • Mind-body and inner relationship work
  • Shamanic Journeying such as divination and soul retreivel
  • Getting coached with a focus on assessment, adjustments to plans, and action steps
  • Oracle card reading

You can also create personal Waxing Moon Rituals.

These practices help you step outside your analytical mind, access a wider perspective and your creative side (e.g., the gut, heart center, and right brain), and shift yourself forward to your new potentials.

For More On the Waxing Moon or Assistance Moving Forward, See:

Updated February 20, 2024

About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.