Signs of Negative Energy In a Person

Does something feel off and you’re wondering if you might have picked up some toxic energy from someone or something? Depressed looking young woman for signs of negative energy in a personDon’t worry. This happens more than you’d think. To figure it out, look for these key signs of negative energy in a person.

What Is Negative Energy

Energy is everywhere. It’s just a part of life. In fact, life-force energy is what gives us life. And, we need that.

Still, energy can be negative too. But often what’s considered negative or toxic is relative. For example, you might get a bad vibe from someone, while your friend feels really good about him. This can be true of places too. Some people feel cemeteries are creepy and negative, while others feel they’re soulful and peaceful.

Duration can also create toxicity. For short periods of time, an imbalance can be tolerable and even desirable. But, if it persists, at some point it can become too much and toxic. Loud music can animate and ultimately oppress.

Then there’s intensity. Romantic crushes sometimes follow this pattern. The new beau is attentive and delightful. But, in time he becomes controlling or clingy. Either way, the original flush of positivity quickly fades.

In general, energy is perceived as negative if it pushes you out of balance, keeps you off balance, and/or depletes or debilitates you. Sometimes when you sense that something is off or wrong can be a sign as well, especially if you can’t explain it.

Key Signs a Person Has Toxic Energy

In keeping with the discussion, these symptoms tend to signify toxicity if their effect is intense, prolonged, or debilitating in some way. These signs are also suspect if abnormal for you or circumstance.

  1. Frequent miscommunications
  2. Frequent and/or intense arguments
  3. Constantly misplacing or losing things
  4. Cluttering, especially if your tendency is to be more orderly
  5. Insomnia and nightmares
  6. Abnormal headaches – more frequent, persistent, or severe
  7. Physical issues of unexplained origins
  8. Feeling ungrounded, off-center, off-balance, or moody
  9. Feeling unusually out of sorts or for a prolonged period of time
  10. Multiple financial issues
  11. Negative thinking and being unable to shift to more positive thinking, even temporarily
  12. Muddled or cloudy thinking
  13. Unexplained excessive tiredness or lethargy
  14. Lack of passion or enthusiasm
  15. Lots of bad luck
  16. A general uncomfortable feeling or uneasiness
  17. A sense of someone or something around you, but no one is there
  18. Foul smells that others don’t smell

It’s important to stress that everyone has ups and downs. Many of these symptoms reflect other conditions and circumstances.

But when it’s difficult to explain what’s happening or several of these symptoms pile on at once, it’s a good idea to play it safe and get an energy clearing.

For More Information On Negative Energy In A Person And What To Do About It, See:

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About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.