Energy Healing Sessions

I conduct my energy healing sessions around a positive, clear, and specific intention. I help you transform a complaint or problem into something you seek for yourself. For example, you may come in for a session to relieve stress. But, we’ll work on creating greater ease or whatever absence of stress means to you. Reframing inherently jumpstarts and galvanizes your healing journey. It offers a clear direction toward the desired outcome of your session and life going forward.

Common Issues Addressed In Energy Healing Sessions

  • Reduce stress and overwhelm and their physical, emotional, mental, and/or energetic impacts;
  • Improve the quality and quantity of sleep;
  • Boost physical or mental energy;
  • Improve mental focus, concentration, and clarity;
  • Relieve physical pain, stiffness, and tension;
  • Open and improve your flow of life-force energy and your body-mind-spirit functioning;
  • Clear physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual blockages and imbalances;
  • Get unstuck and move forward;
  • Shift or release unwanted recurrent or chronic mental, emotional, or behavioral patterns;
  • Instill new desired outlooks and behaviors;
  • Better grounding, centering, and presence;
  • Achieve and maintain balance, integration, and wholeness;
  • Support the process of change initiated by loss, necessity, or personal choice;
  • Reduce nausea, lack of appetite, and other side effects of radiation treatment and chemotherapy;
  • Connect with one’s soul purpose; and
  • Identify and unfold personal, professional, and/or life purposes

My Energy Healing Session Modalities

As an intuitive energy healer; IET and Reiki Master Teacher; Shamanic practitioner; and certified aromatherapist I bring a wide range of healing energy techniques and practices to your sessions to create a truly complementary and integrative healing session. Such as:

I often use a combination of modalities. For example. I like to add Reiki to my Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) and shamanic sessions. It can expand and enrich the healing. In addition, some modalities are generally better at addressing specific issues. I select what intuitively and logically makes sense for my client and the specific session.

However, upon request, I can conduct a session with just one modality. Clients who make these requests are often exploring a given modality for the first time and want to be able to attribute what happens to that specific modality.

Energy Healing Sessions Are For What Purposes

Energy healing can be offered to all people, animals, plants, and things. In fact, people and animals don’t need to be awake or conscious to receive. Energy can also facilitate desirable and beneficial outcomes for situations, relationships, and aspirations. Since everything is energy, everything can benefit from energy work.

But, it’s important to note that this is self-healing and that everyone and everything has agency. The more open and committed you are, the greater the impact will be. Note, however, that it’s not possible to make a target client (you or someone you request healing for) do something they (and their higher self) absolutely don’t want to do.

My Sessions Are Available to Anyone, Anywhere

Virtual Healing

My energy healing sessions and available to anyone, anywhere because energy has no boundaries and can travel through time and space. Consequently, many of my clients choose to receive virtual sessions. You might too.

Some distance sessions are scheduled for a specific day and time, while others are not. In the latter case, I correspond with you and give a readout of your session through email. This is the most flexible and accessible approach.

You decide which approach works best for you.

In-Person Healing

If you live in or traveling to the Washington, DC metropolitan area, you can book an in-person energy healing session or purchase a package of several sessions.

Maintaining The Effects of Healing

It’s one thing for me to rebalance your energy and another for you to retain that balance or build your resilience for rebalancing yourself from time to time. Certain mental, emotional, and behavioral habits related to the imbalance you experienced and received treatment for will often pull you out of balance again and again.

To break this cycle, you have to become consciously involved in your healing. By adding spiritual life coaching to your healing services, I’m able to help you break the cycle, and take greater control of your well-being, gain confidence, and become more resilient. We do this by working with the whole person and giving attention to your mind, body, and spirit.

Learning An Energy Healing Modality

I occasionally offer small in-person classes and short workshops for groups in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. In addition, you can also book one for a group of your own. Finally, with certain limitations, I can travel to present classes and workshops for groups.

I also offer workshops online. See my scheduled events on my Eventbrite page.