Best Guided Meditations

Best Guided Meditations

Starchaser’s growing series of FREE short best guided meditations for a variety of purposes: relaxation, grounding, clearing the mind, deepening meditation, taming over-active monkey mind, more to come.. so check back. Listeners follow along at a comfortable guided pace accompanied by soothing music in the background. All meditations are under 15 minutes long, making them ideal […]

What Is Presence | Why Being Present Is A Human Superpower

What Is Presence | Why Being Present Is A Human Superpower

If you haven’t heard of the human superpower called presence, it’s time to learn what presence is. Being Conscious, Confident, Clear, In Your Everyday Life Presence is a natural and powerful state of consciousness accessible to every human being. From this frame of mind, you can objectively handle hard decisions; maintain your cool during difficult […]

Get Centered And Get What You Really Want

Get Centered And Get What You Really Want

If you’re a centered person, you’re probably physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually well-aligned. As a result, you have clarity, make authentic choices, and are able to get what you really want. But, maybe this doesn’t resonate with you. Instead, you make bad choices, and navigating your life is difficult. Maybe sometimes you just don’t feel […]