What Is Spiritual Life Coaching

Coaching services take on many different forms, depending on the kinds of issues a coach is dedicated to. A new, more holistic approach is evolving into what is spiritual life coaching.

Two Important Distinctions What Spiritual Means

Differences in Coaching Focus

The spiritual in life coaching means different things to different people. For some, it means seeking guidance specifically related to faith – religious and spiritual pursuits.

For others such as myself, it means the coaching accounts for the whole person. In this case, coaches will encourage a client to access all of these aspects in their self-discovery and decision-making. This may or may not include reviewing and exploring one’s faith.

Difference in the Coaching Process

The process and format of sessions vary across coaches as well. Some follow traditional life coach practices of focusing on powerful questions to open a client’s perspective and identify more opportunities to resolve issues. Unlike with other life coaches, guidance may woven into the process, but typically only with full respect for client agency. In other words, you control what the sessions entail, and the pace of your progress.

In contrast, a growing number of coaches and energy healers expand the coaching approach and combine these two healing services to take advantage of complementarities, address a wider range of interconnected issues, and provide a more holistic service. They too, myself included, self-identify as spiritual life coaches.

It’s this second approach that is described here.

What This Version Spirituality Does to the Coaching Process

Slows You Down and Goes Deeper, So You Can Live From Your Inside Out

By integrating a blend of conventional coaching and mind-body practices, you can slow down, center, and ground. This allows you to go deeper, tap into your inner knowing, and move forward from your authentic Self and whole intelligence – both thinking mind and body mind.

Energy healing sessions and practices are included to help clear blocks, release nonconstructive patterns, rebalance, and effortlessly shift you forward toward the fulfillment of your intentions.

Takes a Holistic Approach

The holistic and spiritual approach allows you to go one level deeper and equips you with the necessary tools to:

  • Dampen the onslaught of external stimulus and information, allowing deeper and sustained engagement with, and development of a stronger relationship with, Self.
  • Create an environment that fosters significant soul-searching, facilitating inner connection and personal growth.
  • Gain a broader perspective that encompasses various angles and viewpoints.
  • Explore and challenge habitual thinking and limiting beliefs that block or constrain your expression of your essential self in both your professional and personal life.
  • Find space to create self-expression, opening up fresh opportunities to creatively solve practical problems and generate innovative solutions.
  • Show up as your authentic self and strengthen your voice, embracing your unique qualities and confidently expressing your thoughts and ideas.
  • Uncover your key values and beliefs and discover the ways to express them more authentically in your life.
  • More clearly define your goals and intentions, ensuring they align with your values and aspirations.
  • Recalibrate your work-life balance, finding the optimal equilibrium that allows you to thrive in both areas.
  • Achieve greater personal balance, harmony, contentment, and joy, leading to a fulfilling and satisfying life journey.

This form of coaching blends conventional coaching with embodied, energy, and shamanic practices typically in a way that reflects your intentions and preferences.

Encourages Living Your Values

Living your values essentially means aligning your actions, decisions, and goals with your personal beliefs and principles. It’s about acknowledging what matters most to you and letting those core values guide your behavior and choices.

When you live your values, you strive to remain consistent with your innermost convictions, even when faced with challenges or temptations. This pursuit can lead to a sense of fulfillment, integrity, and inner harmony.

Living your values is not just about verbal affirmation, but it requires a conscious commitment to embody these principles in every aspect of your life – personal, professional, social, and spiritual. By doing so, you not only create a life that reflects your authentic self but also influences the world around you in a positive and meaningful way.

Enables Conscious Living

Conscious living is about being mindful, present, and intentional with your life. It’s about making choices that align with your personal values, beliefs, and aspirations. This lifestyle goes beyond just living in the moment; it involves considering the implications of your actions on your overall health, relationships, and the world at large. It’s about recognizing your power to influence your life’s direction and the world around you.

Conscious living invites you to take active steps in deciding what you consume, how you invest your time, and where you devote your energies. In essence, conscious living is about waking up to life and participating fully in your own existence, creating a meaningful, purposeful life that resonates with who you truly are.

What Is the Coaching Session Like?

Most coaching sessions of all kinds are 50 long like regular coaching sessions. They embrace the principles of open dialogue, introspective exploration, and profound transformation. They typically begin with a confidential, one-on-one conversation between you and your coach, conducted in a safe, non-judgmental space. Your coach may also provide guidance and tools to navigate these challenges, empowering you to transform them into opportunities for growth.

Coaches who blend conventional coaching with energy healing, mindfulness, other embodied practices, or shamanism will guide you through these experiences. Typically, they will help you understand and interpret the process as well as integrate your experience into your day-to-day life or what’s also referred to as ordinary reality.

Your coach will ask thought-provoking questions designed to stimulate self-awareness and insight. Together, you will explore the core beliefs and values that shape your life and identify any obstacles or misalignment that might be impeding your progress.

The ultimate aim is to align your life more closely with your authentic self and life purpose. Each session concludes with a review of the perspective you gained and/or actionable steps or practices to implement, ensuring continual progress between meetings.

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