How I experience Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET)

Pink and blue sky for how I experience Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) EnergyFor those who want to expand their knowledge of energy work, in particular, IET, this blog will tell you how I experience Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) as a practitioner and teacher. I’ve written similar blogs for each of my energy modalities.

Everyone perceives or experiences energy a bit differently so please take this information to be a personal account and not an objective or more universal description.

Unique Benefits of Integrated Energy Therapy (IET)

Just a quick note on Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) because many people haven’t heard of it. IET is particularly good for emotional issues and for people who have experienced traumas and continue to hold them in their body and energy field.

It’s also excellent for changing (releasing) past patterns, whether behavioral, thought, or energetic patterns, and adopting new more-desirable ones. It can help you find new directions and move along a personal or spiritual path.

For more information on what IET is, see our IET page. Or, for more information on what to expect from an IET session.

Experiencing Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) As a Practitioner

Unlike Reiki, I experience the energy of IET in a more visual way. I get the same inner vision each time. It looks a bit like this image only with more depth of field, more ethereal movement, and a somewhat broader range of hues. It’s captivating and alluring: I sense a desire to float deep into the softly churning colors gently transported on a deep long breath.

Whereas I feel Karuna Reiki® in the heart, I feel IET from the high heart and rising up into my throat chakra. It’s like breath or a palatable manifestation potential.

Another difference between IET and Reiki is that with Reiki I tend to feel sensations in my hands and/or my body. But with IET, I have sensations beyond my reach. It’s as though I’m sensing from somewhere out in my own auric field.

In contrast to this etheric sensation, there is definitely a mechanical aspect to IET as well, which is related to the use of activation and integration points on the physical body (somewhat similar to acupressure points). The physical action of locating the particular points is a bit distracting from the flow of the session. But a great deal of sensitivity arises from the process nevertheless.

The flow of Intuitive Information

I typically receive intuitive information during IET sessions. Similarly, both the Soul Star and Heart Link methods are excellent tools for pulling in intuitive information.

This aspect of experiencing IET relates to one of its strengths as a healing modality. It’s great for release, finding your path, and moving forward. I sometimes see profound changes in my clients after just one session.

Remember, this is my personal experience. Others could perceive or experience Integrated Energy Therapy quite differently.

How I Experience Other Energy Healing Modalities

Forms of Reik:

All of these reviews are from the practitioner’s point of view, not the client’s. See my Mind Body Spirit blog, in particular, the category Energy Healing and Wellness.

If you have more questions about IET, Reiki, shamanism, ThetaHealing, or subtle aromatherapy, see the website pages:


Updated August 03, 2022

About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.