High Quality Essential Oils For Aromatherapy Use

High Quality Essential Oils For Aromatherapy Use

Aromatherapists are mainly interested in the healing properties of essential oils. The flavor and fragrance industries, by far the largest buyers of essential oils, are most interested in the flavor or the fragrance. So, what makes a pure essential oil or a high-quality essential oil for aromatherapy use? When aromatherapists look for quality essential oils, […]

Essential Oils and Botanical Names – Why It Matters

Essential Oils and Botanical Names – Why It Matters

Why botanical names of plants and essential oils matter. Knowing the family and genus also gives us a hint to the specific plant’s therapeutic properties. For example, pines are warming and antiseptic, and they are notable in their support to the muscular and respiratory systems. Knowing what the specific plant species is tells you what specific and unique properties that plant has – perhaps attributes that other plants in the family or genus do not possess.

Reflection – Find Balance With Energy Work (Reiki/IET)

Reflection – Find Balance With Energy Work (Reiki/IET)

Good health or wellness results when you find balance. It comes from being balanced – balanced physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically. Most imbalances begin in the energy field and work their way into denser and denser energy layers and finally into the densest energy layer – the physical body. Stress and Imbalance Our bodies sometimes […]