The Reiki Toolkit: Energy Healing Tools To Use Daily In Your Practice

Do you need a Reiki Toolkit? In truth, you don’t need a single tool to practice Reiki Toolkit with crystals and smudgeReiki except for an attunement. Lots of experience helps as well because it’s through experience that you develop confidence in your unique healing capabilities and style and you learn additional skills. Still, there are some energy healing tools, not unique to Reiki, that can enhance the healing experience of your Reiki sessions.

Adding energy healing tools to your practice can strengthen and/or diversify
the kinds of healing you encourage, stimulate greater spiritual awareness and connection, enhance personal engagement and reflection, and add beauty and comfort. In addition, what you choose to put in your toolkit will somewhat depend on whether you’re a practitioner with clients or you focus on self-healing.

Tools For All Reiki Healers

Smudge For Clearing Energy

Still practiced today, smudging is an ancient method of purifying and clearing negative energy from a room, sacred space, object, or person. Smudge sticks, burning resin, diffused essential oils and hydrosols, and incense are all examples of smudging methods.

Clarity and openness enable energy to flow and promote healing. In fact, the more open and receptive a person is, the easier it is to make a connection with the self, others, and the divine (for more on smudging, see my ebook on Clearing Energy With Smudging).

Drums and rattles can be used for clearing as well.

Healing Crystals

Natural crystals are held together by vibrational bonds and are highly energetic. Each crystal has a set of healing properties associated with its chemical composition and crystalline structure. Selecting the right crystal for your intentions can boost the energy-healing capacity of your sessions.

Consider these options for your Reiki healing sessions.

  • Clearing crystals – selenite or quartz
  • Grounding crystals – granite, petrified wood, or Shiva linga
  • Crystal wands (single edge) – any crystal you like, however, quartz is a great option. The pointed edge focuses energy in and the rounded edge draws it out
  • Chakra crystals – there are many crystal choices, but here’s one option: red jasper, chameleon, citrine, jade, lapis lazuli, sodalite, and amethyst
  • Crystals for common complaints – select a crystal according to the healing session intention, or intuit the choice. (See my review of several crystal books).


Like crystals, music is vibrational. Thus, it combines well with energy healing. Soft, spacious music can relax and open a person to greater healing.

Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are a wonderful tool to shift the mind into the meaning and language of images and metaphors. They open the focus and help to create more interest and energy around a given intention or question to be addressed in the healing session.

Additional Tools For the Reiki Practitioner

Reiki practitioners working with clients will find that creating a comfortable space for the client can also support the healer. Here are four items present for all my sessions.

  1. Massage table
  2. Knee Bolster
  3. Light soft (comfy) blanket
  4. Rolling stool

Obviously, a cushioned table, bolster, and blanket make a comfortable setting for the client. The more comfortable and at ease, the greater the healing. Of course, some clients prefer, and some situations call for a chair.

Generally speaking, working with a client on the table with the support of a rolling stool to negotiate access to certain areas such as the client’s head and shoulders is far more comfortable than stooping and reaching.

For More About Reiki And Adding Energy Healing Tools To Your Reik Practice, See my:

About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.