Clear and Expand Your Energy Field: Anyone Can Do It

Colorful lotus poise illustrating Joshin Kokyu Ho meditation to clear and expand your energy field

Everyone has a life force. Life-force energy comprises an infinite number of frequencies or types of vibrations. And, everything is fundamentally vibrational. What most people don’t realize is that, as energy beings, we all can and do channel life-force energy. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be alive. Furthermore, we can move and channel our energy ourselves. I’ve noticed this to be true for many of the un-attuned people who attend my virtual Reiki Shares (i.e., healing exchanges typically among Reiki practitioners). For example, the Joshin Kokyu Ho meditation seems to work for everyone. To conclude, you can clear and expand your energy field: anyone can do it.

Then Why Visit An Energy Healer

Energy healers facilitate energy clearing, expansion, and rebalancing, and are especially helpful when your energy is really stuck, depleted, or unbalanced in some other way. They can also access different qualities of energy and use additional techniques they’ve gained through training or heightened natural abilities. Attunements to certain frequencies such as Reiki can intensify the healing effect. But, for our purposes here, we look just at what you can do for yourself.

What is Joshin Kokyu Ho

A Traditional Usui Reiki technique, Joshin Kokyu Ho is used to quiet, clear, and purify your mind. It also grounds, opens, and expands your intuition. If you are a Reiki practitioner, it can deepen your connection with Reiki energy.

The beauty of Joshin Kokyu Ho meditation is that anyone can do it. Although it was developed for Reiki and channeling Reiki energy, anyone can clear and expand their own life-force energy using this practice. It can also be used in the preparation of soul-to-soul communication such as telepathy or mediumship. Practiced regularly, Joshin Kokyu Ho strengthens and sharpens your intuitive capacity and reflexes.

Finally, you can practice Joshin Kokyu Ho to de-stress, clear your mind, and open your focus to more creative problem-solving and other endeavors.

How long you sit in meditation is really up to you. You can meditate for just five minutes, as long as an hour, and even longer.

Steps for the Joshin Kokyu Ho Meditation to Clear and Expand Your Energy Field

I’ve broken this traditional mediation down into more steps than you see in many other references. My intention is to make it easier for a non-Reiki person to follow.

The meditation is straightforward forward expanding on a basic breathing and visualization method. It helps to know a few key terms related to the chakras, but don’t get bogged down with the few new terms found here. Just read through mediation once in order to learn their meaning and location.

  1. Begin in a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes or, if you prefer, maintain a soft gaze without focusing on anything in particular). Breathe slowly through your nose. And, as you do, let go of any tension.
  2. Raise your shoulders to your ears, and roll them back and down your back. Feel the opening of your chest and spine.
  3. Place the hands in the classic prayer position (also called Angela mudra or Gassho) in front of your heart to calm your mind and free your breath.
  4. Take two or three long deep cleansing breaths.
  5. Now, with your mind’s eye, draw your breath in through your feet and exhale it throughout your body. Repeat this once or twice more. This will help you remain grounded.
  6. Hold your hands up as high as is comfortably possible with palms opened upward. Simultaneously, intend to draw in positive benevolent universal life-force energy. Feel a subtle energy activation in your hands and maybe your entire body. Reiki practitioners will often feel the Reiki light raining into their whole body and throughout their energy bodies. It’s OK if you don’t get a strong sensation. Just create the intention to draw in positive benevolent universal life-force energy.
  7. Slowly move your hands down to your lap with palms facing upward and hands relaxed as if you were holding eggs.
  8. Bring attention to the tanden (dantian or hara), which is an important energy center about two inches below the navel. Listen to your breathing.
  9. Breath in and visualize a bright white light (or Reiki energy if you’re attuned) filling your head/crown chakra, traveling down the Central Light Column (CLC), the column running from your crown down your spine where the chakras reside, and visualize it going into the tanden.
  10. As you exhale, simultaneously visualize with your mind’s eye the bright light you drew in now filling all the cells of the body.
  11. Breathe in again and visualize the bright light coming in through your head/crown, traveling down the CLC to the tanden in your lower abdomen.
  12. Exhale, and as you do, send the light to every cell and capillary, as well as all the space and all the matter comprising your physical body.
  13. Again, breathe in and visualize the bright light coming in your head/crown, and traveling down the CLC to the tanden.
  14. Breathe out, and as you do, send the light to every cell, capillary, all the space, and all of the matter this comprises your physical body, and on out throughout your aura.
  15. Once again, breathe in again and visualize the bright light passing through your head/crown and traveling down the CLC to the tanden.
  16. Breathe out, and as you do, send the light, the energy, the breath throughout every bit of your body, out through your aura, and to earth and all that inhabits the earth.
  17. Inhale again and visualize the bright light coming in through your head/crown, traveling down the CLC to the tanden.
  18. Exhale, and as you do, send the breath throughout your body,  throughout your aura, to Earth and all that inhabits the Earth, and out to the galaxy.
  19. Once again, breathe in once again and visualize the bright light filling the head/crown, traveling down the CLC to the tanden.
  20. Breathe out, and send the energy throughout your body, throughout your aura, to Earth and all that inhabits the Earth, out to the galaxy, and out to the universe and all that there is.
  21. Continue the breathing pattern and visualization of the last step as long as you like.
  22. When you feel complete, draw the breath back into the body. Breathe in and up from the earth.
  23. Exhale out and down from above, repeating this cycle approximately three times to the ground and center.
  24. Place hands in Gassho and give an expression of gratitude.
  25. Bring your awareness back into the room and open your eyes.

Reflecting On the Effect of  Your Clear and Expanded Energy Field

Take a moment to assess how you feel and if anything has changed. You should feel lighter, clearer, and enlivened. If you need some additional grounding, simply cross your arms and place each hand on the opposite knee. Take a breath in imagining it coming up from the earth through your feet and legs and into your tanden. Release your breath back down to the earth. Repeat until you feel more grounded.

If Interested In Learning More About Clearing and Expanding Your Energy, See:


About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.