What Happens When You Balance Your Chakras

Woman with glowing chakras for what happens when you balance your chakrasWhen you balance your chakras, they each manifest their best qualities and align with one another for their optimal collective expression. Because chakras are dynamic and constantly changing, you need to be resilient and continuously rebalance them to reap the benefits of balanced chakras as consistently as possible.

The aim, therefore, is to build your resilience, meaning your ability to swiftly return to equilibrium. When you regularly attend to chakras, you’ll become more attuned to when you shift out of balance as well as better able to take immediate restorative action. (For a refresher on what are the chakras?)

Alignment Within Your Entire Energy System

Most people talk or write about each chakra independently as if there were no interactions between and among them. Most likely, this reflects an unintentional, but unfortunate simplification. The reality is quite the opposite. Subtle energy circulates through the entire system and thus a blockage in one chakra can disturb any centers. I see this all the time in my energy healing practice.

Singling out a particular chakra or associated attribute can help pinpoint an imbalance. It can also help you begin to unpack an issue and through time highlight some of your tendencies as they relate to the chakras.

However, most symptoms and signs of imbalance derive from a combination of effects propagated from more than one site. Therefore, it’s important to be mindful of the complexity and interconnectedness of your energy and bodily systems. If you don’t make the connection, you can be sure your physician or conventional caregiver won’t either.

The Benefit of Balancing Chakras

The seven primary chakras, as well as all others (e.g., soul star and earth star), underlie and influence every aspect of your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic being. Balanced chakras bring out their best qualities and support life moving forward with the greatest ease. (For more on specific attributes, see my numerous mind-body-spirit blog posts on the chakras).

In other words, balanced chakras will promote and support overall health and wellness. In addition, they’ll facilitate healing from any condition, illness, or injury. When balanced, you’ll feel clear, grounded, flexible, self-confident, enlivened, and inspired.

Of course, clear, well-functioning energy centers and channels will also facilitate spiritual awareness and development, clarify and empower intentions, and give rise to personally significant insights.

How A Balanced Chakra System Leads To Better Life Outcomes

For illustration and clarification, let’s take two examples of how chakras work together to create desired outcomes.

Crown Chakra Imbalance Interactions

Briefly, the crown chakra (sahasrara) is related to spiritual and inner connection, life purpose, and the sense of both self and selflessness. An imbalance in this chakra can exhibit aimlessness and a lack of purpose or direction. This can lead to loneliness, fear, and, in particular, fear of death.

Here, you might have noticed expressions of root chakra (Muladhara) dysfunction such as fear, ungroundedness, and unsettledness. Note also, how the disturbed crown can pull the heart’s (Anahata) sense of belonging and connection out of balance as well. Of course, the same manifestation of crown imbalance could have been influenced by one of these other chakras under other circumstances.

Because it isn’t always possible to trace all these interconnections back to the source of the imbalance, you’ll want to work on the overall system and not just the crown chakra.

Inability to Speak Your Truth

The throat chakra (Vishuddha) governs communication. It also plays a significant role in the manifestation of intentions. If you have difficulty speaking your truth or your mind, for that matter, the first instinct is to turn your attention to the throat chakra.

However, what about the possible influence of other charkas? What if you’re ungrounded (root), aimlessly seeking meaning or purpose (crown), or lacking self-compassion (heart) or confidence (solar plexus). There are countless potential interactions because your energy is constantly shifting and flowing throughout all of your energy and bodily systems.

Again, the solution is to rebalance the system. Typically, it isn’t hard, and doesn’t take long to do this.

To reap the benefits of balanced chakras, you need to cultivate flexibility and resilience continuously. This doesn’t have to be arduous. Find simple but effective practices that work for you and incorporate them regularly into your life.

Consider also that everything you do involves your chakras. Small modifications to daily routines can tone your chakras. Regularly, humming the bijas (lam, vam, ram, yam, ham, om) is a simple, easy place to start.

For More on Chakra Balance and Alignment, see:



About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.