Reiki Healing Attunement | Enhanced Reiki Healing Power

Golden light around woman for Reiki attunement | enhanced Reiki healing powerAll Reiki sessions are impactful even those that are very subtle. At times, a client needs deeper, stronger, and sustained healing to make significant headway with their healing intentions. In these cases, Master Reiki practitioners will sometimes recommend a Reiki healing attunement to enhance the process.

What Is a Healing Attunement

Why Practitioners Employ Attunements in Healing Sessions

Attunements galvanize healing around a set intention. This can relate to physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual issues just like a standard healing session but more intense. Drawing in higher Reiki frequencies, the attunement immediately supercharges the intentions of the session.

It cleanses the energy, clears blockages, and amplifies the flow of energy in the Sushumna or Central Light Column (CLT) along the spine, the chakras or energy centers within the CLT and in the palms, and throughout the aura or energy field.

In this way, the healing received is deeper, more profound, and longer lasting – continuing for days or even a month or more.

Initiation to Channel or to Heal

All Reiki practitioners have to be Reiki-attuned to be able to conduct healing. Through the intition process, their energy centers and channels are opened and they are given the ability to channel Reiki frequencies of universal life force energy.

However, not all Master Reiki practitioners can conduct a Reiki healing attunement. Solely Reiki Master practitioners who are also instructors can attune people for initiation or healing purposes. This is because the Master Instructor training course uniquely contains information on how to harness powerful Reiki frequencies to perform attunements. Therefore, only Master practitioners who are instructors as well can offer this healing technique.

Which Reiki Modalities Offer Healing Attunements

Not all modalities offer the healing attunement technique. Eastern or Traditional Reiki has one. So Sekhem-Seichim Reiki (SSR) does as well.

Since a prerequisite to Kuruna Reiki training is Level Three Usui Master certification, Kuruna Reiki practitioners already have learned the Usui technique and can use it in their healing sessions.

What Does a Healing Attunement Feel Like

A healing attunement is offered to a seated client and lasts approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Given that a typical healing session is 5o minutes, the attunement consumes a good portion of the session. But healing is intense. Therefore, they are often given in place of a session. Alternatively, they can be combined with a short introductory energy scan and followed with a longer-than-usual grounding treatment.

Clients may or may not feel much different during the session, but the higher frequencies are at work. They may see colors, forms, images, and symbols. Their temperature might change to feel hotter or colder. And, they may sense the energy flowing. It could feel like light pressure or a kind of buzzing. All these visions and sensations can also be present in a regular healing session.

Side Effects of the Attunement

The side effects are the same as with any Reiki treatment, however, they could be stronger and longer lasting. Some more common side effects are tiredness, fogginess, headaches, increased appetite, and emotional sensitivity. Generally, they aren’t intense. They reflect deep and continued healing, and they subside quickly.

Healing Attunement Benefits

Benefits to the Client’s Healing

  • Thorough energy cleansing and detoxification.
  • Deeper, more profound healing in the moment.
  • Sustained healing to push through the client’s resistance and barriers to healing and reinforce and maintain the benefits from the session.
  • Personal and spiritual insights.

Benefits to the Master Reiki Practitioner

  • Expansion of their healing techniques and energy toolkit.
  • Greater access to higher frequencies for healing. Generally the higher the frequency, the greater the healing power.
  • Ability to address resistance and significant blockages.
  • Provide continuous healing for clients who need or desire it.

The healing attunement is an exceptional addition to both the abilities of the Reiki healer and the breadth and depth of healing available to the client.

For More On Reiki Healing and Practices, see:

About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.