Quick and Easy Ways to Meditate

Meditation is really good for you. So, why don’t you meditate? There’s a type of meditation that’s perfect for you no matter what your requirements are. Here are two quick and easy ways to meditate.

Ways to Meditate

Meditating in an Office Building

There are 1,000s and maybe 100,000s types of meditation practices as well as many quick and easy ways to meditate.

Basically, meditation in all its forms gives the meditator pause and allows the mind, breath, and whole self to find ease, space, perspective, and connection. (Other reasons are discussed here.)

Given all the many options, all you have to do is pick a practice that suits you, and you too can benefit from meditation.

Why Some People Avoid Meditation

Many people new to the idea of meditation resist it because they’re uncomfortable with the time commitment and frequency of a regular practice. Some people associate meditation with religion or specific or a particular spiritual affiliation. Then, there’s the woo-woo association, etc, etc. But with all the variation in practices, meditation can be whatever works for you.

Quick and Easy Way to Meditate

Breath Work:

Anyone can master breathwork and find a little time to practice. Taking a few slow deep breaths and turning your attention inward to yourself – into what you sense inside you – can take just a minute or two and can be very beneficial. That pause, that shift to your inner self, that brief rest to your system can bring some calm to your nervous system, make your heart rhythm more coherent and more able to rebalance your other body systems, open and deepen your perception and give you more space to choose and act. That pause and all the accumulated pauses that you take can change your life.

Walking Meditation:

Walking meditation can be easily added to a schedule because you do it when you’re walking somewhere or for just a few minutes in a nature spot you like, your yard, or even in your home. Allow yourself to do nothing except walk and gently observe through just one sense (sight, hearing, touch, smell) at a time or all senses at once. For example, when you walk pay close attention to sound and maybe even the softest sound you can perceive. Then, if you like switch to scent and notice what kinds of smells you can pick up.

If you like, you can stay open with all your senses, but make sure you’re not just using your sight, which is the go-to sense for most of us. Walking around this way for a few minutes will encourage you to shift and open your focus, see more of what is within your immediate environment, and touch base with the broader you and give you a new perspective. There’re probably 1,000s of walking meditation suggestions as well. Do a quick internet search and find one you like. 

Your Meditation Practice Overtime:

In general, more significant benefits are achieved with a deeper, longer, and more regular, long-term meditation practice. As you appreciate what you receive from short practices, you may find that you want to reprioritize your time and explore a longer, more regular practice. But, maybe not. Maybe this short practice is just right for you right now.

For More Information On or Help With Finding the Right Meditation Practice For you, See:

Contact me

Updated February 17, 2023

About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.