Living From the Inside Out

In-Person and Virtual Workshop: Learn to Work From Your Embodied Self

Although the content of my Living From the Inside Out workshops varies a bit from time to time, they all have a similar focus and content.

There is so much to gain from sensing, listening, and learning from our embodied selves. We can access personal wisdom that’s typically drowned out by the constant chatter of our thinking minds. And, self-referencing, or tuning inward into ourselves – our embodied minds – brings out our authentic selves.

Why Live From the Inside Out

Our minds are always “talking” to us. But, our bodies talk too! And they have a lot of important observations and information to share. In fact, what our bodies tell us makes up 90-95% of what’s in our whole minds or within our whole intelligence. Cognitive plus embodied intelligence make up our full intelligence.

Getting in tune with what’s going on inside of our bodies can give us valuable insights, which, coupled with our thoughts and analytical mind, enables us to make more authentic and better-informed decisions and take the best actions.

From the inside out workshop content

The workshop begins with a brief discussion of the thinking mind and body-mind, or what is also referred to as the embodied mind. You’ll learn the different ways they process experiences, and how they contribute to your full intelligence.

For the bulk of the workshop, you’ll learn and practice a simple technique of tapping into the body, learning its language, and exploring how to integrate this wisdom with our analytical thinking.

Join a Workshop

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