6 Ways To Use Healing Energy To Manifest Intentions

Young woman arms wide spred for healing energy to manifest intentions

Healing energy can help manifest intentions.

And, did you know it works with essentially any type of desired outcome, not just physical ones?  This includes those related to professional and personal interactions, past traumas, and future planning.

Let’s take a closer look at what healing energy is and how it helps you manifest. Then you can try it and see for yourself.

What is Energy Healing

First things first, let’s clarify what I mean by healing energy. Although comprising a multitude of ancient practices of diverse origins as well as a number of more modern modalities and adaptations, all energy healing has several elements in common.

Firstly, all modalities are based on the premise that everything is made of and influenced by energy. When referring to living things, this energy is called lifeforce, which is expressed in an infinite array of frequencies contributing to the diversity of all life.

Secondly, the quality of your energy affects your well-being. That means it determines your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual expression and status. For example, the promotion of healing and the manifestation of intentions stems from balanced, freely flowing, well-integrated, and aligned energy. In other words, balanced energy is synonymous with good health and well-being.

Thirdly, energy healers also believe that any energetic system, which includes the human body, is dynamic and constantly adjusting to both internal and external influences as well as exerting a force of its own.

Lastly, while energy practitioners use a wide array of techniques, they all aim to facilitate and support the rebalancing of their clients’ energy.

While all of these modalities are generally supportive, they’re received uniquely by each client. This is because people and their circumstances are unique. Consequently, some healing energy modalities will suit one person and a particular intention a bit better than another. For example, I personally don’t respond to acupuncture but am quite receptive to acupressure and reflexology, which rely on a similar underlying framework.

So, if one specific modality doesn’t offer the experience and results you’re seeking, don’t give up on energy healing. With some experimentation, you, as a client, can find a modality that works best for you and the specific intention you want to manifest.

6 Ways Healing Energy Manifests Intentions

1. Clarification of Goals And Intentions

For the most authentic and effective goal and intention crafting, you need an open, uncluttered, and sanguine heart and mind. Healing energy can help you attain this. It does this by enabling you to energetically untangle thoughts and emotions and create a clear channel.

The process establishes an opening for new ideas, sentiments, outlooks, and mindsets. Your focus can then easily shift from deterrents and worries to possibilities and inspiration. Clear accessible intentions logically follow.

2. Release of Blocks And Unsupportive Patterns Or Behaviors

Clearing blocks is one of the most common outcomes of any energy healing. Some modalities also gently yet effectively release obstructive or counterproductive behaviors. The result is greater energetic ease and flow, which contributes to greater ease and flow in your life, how you experience it, and how it moves forward.

One modality, in particular, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), offers some unique and potent techniques designed specifically for behavior change and manifesting compared to some better-known modalities, such as Reiki.

3. Release of Others’ Energy And Inhibiting Influences

Did you know that when you interact with others, you take on some of their energy and they take on some of yours? This transpires mostly subconsciously. However, more than likely you’ve consciously felt depleted or energized by someone else at some point in the past. Or, maybe you just couldn’t get the person out of your mind. This is a result of that energetic exchange on a more conscious level. It can be a positive or negative experience.

4.  Losen the Rigidities of Socialization and Domestication

Probably the most infectious form of energy contagion is the collection of limiting thoughts and beliefs you adopted during your childhood, also referred to as socialization or domestication. Many of these beliefs may seem like absolute truths or facts, but they’re not. In actuality, they project a certain understanding of the world and natural as well as man-made influences. Significant relationships in your adult life can have a similar effect.

The socialization or domestication process doesn’t cease once you reach adulthood. But new beliefs tend to overlay and engender antecedent influences. Consider some of your thoughts beginning with or containing the word “should,” or the phrase “I have to.” Could they bespeak some of your limiting beliefs?

Clearing out others’ energy, in all its forms (thoughts, emotions, etc.), can illuminate your authentic thoughts and desires, and open a floodgate of opportunities to express them.

5.  Draw In the Kind of Energy and Resources Needed to Manifest Intentions

Healing energy can also work with your environment to support the fulfillment of your intentions. It can draw like intentions together, whether that be in the form of people, things, or events. For example, IET (mentioned above) has several practices that can help you target and engage others with complementary aims.

6. Re-balance and Re-Focus To Enhance The Capacity For Fulfillment

Through the previous four avenues, healing energy promotes clarity, openness, balance, focus, and flow. Thus, your attention and actions more readily and effectively follow your intention. In fact, in this way, they create or nurture manifestation.

When you release negative judgmental self-talk (i.e. limiting beliefs), counterproductive behaviors, and other obsessive externalizations (social comparisons and expectations, social media role modeling, etc), your journey becomes more vivid, easeful, and assured. In addition, it’s more reflective of your authentic self.

What You Can Manifest With Healing Energy

Healing For You Personally

Healing energy can help you address issues and desires in your personal, professional, or spiritual life.

How it supports personal healing includes, but is not limited to:

  • accessing deeper personal reflections,
  • gaining clarity around objectives,
  • sourcing self-confidence and commitment to reach for your aspirations and goals
  • defining and unfolding strategies,
  • staying open to opportunities as they arise, and
  • navigating your journey through to successful manifestation.

This type of healing works simultaneously and harmoniously on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic. Your life force has a kind of intelligence that is capable of orchestrating a change or whole transformation to bring about the fulfillment of your intentions.

Healing Relationships

Energy healing is essentially self-healing and can do no harm. This means, that if you’re having trouble in a relationship and you want the other person to change, you can’t achieve this without her consent. This is because everyone has agency. In other words, choice.

If your intentions toward her are refused (consciously or subconsciously) or they aren’t in her best and highest interest, they won’t manifest as you hoped. However, the outcome might be surprisingly welcome to you because you don’t always know what’s best for you after all. In fact, it’ll be in the best interest of both of you. And, something arrived at through a more harmonious process and with a more enduring result.

But, even though you can’t force a change in your relationships with others, you can influence them. What you need to do is intend for the relationship to be more harmonious in a way that is in the highest and best of all involved. This implies that one of you or both will shift in the direction of greater harmony.

Why Healing Energy Works

This all might be hard to believe. But, it’s pretty simple.

Because everything is made of energy, which tends to entrain other frequencies (i.e., balance disharmonious), life force opens you to possibilities. In this way, it’s a good entry point and/or complement to the overall process of healing and moving life forward. It also blends nicely and reinforces all kinds of other healing modalities, alternative and conventional.

For More About Healing Energy and Manifesting Intentions, See:

About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.