12 Symptoms of Negative Energy at Home | An Energy Healer’s Perspective

Have you ever entered a house and felt something creepy? As an Cluttered house for symptoms of negative energy at homeenergy healer, I’ve experienced this more than a few times. Often, but not always, it’s the energy that’s off, which means it’s time to do some clearing because you can’t just ignore it and it’ll go away. So, how do you know if the weird feeling you’re getting at your home means there’s bad energy or not? Start with these 12 common signs and symptoms of negative energy at home.

But First, What Is Negative Energy?

For many people, energy is about a person’s physical, emotional, or mental activity like fast walking or a rush of ideas. For them, an example of negative energy might be bad thoughts or yelling at someone. This is certainly true. However, the energy we’re talking about here is subtle energy. While there’s subtle energy involved in the above examples, there can also be lingering negative subtle energy inhabiting a space such as your home. And, the source of that energy can be completely unrelated to what’s going on in your home at the present moment.

It’s this lingering or clinging negative subtle energy that we want to diagnose and clear.

Symptoms of Negative Energy at Home

These signs are indicative of the presence of bad events, interactions, and more generally energy. But, just because you’re experiencing one or more of them, doesn’t mean you need a clearing. For example, arguments don’t always lead to toxicity. In fact, some arguments clear the air or, in other words, reestablish harmony and good vibes.

But, when ordinary everyday attempts to clear the air don’t work or there doesn’t seem to be an explanation for the following symptoms, it’s time to consider that the toxicity is more subtle.

12 Common Symptoms of Energy Toxicity

  1. Clutter and significant disorganization
  2. Lots of misplaced or lost items, even those that reappear in obvious locations at a later time
  3. Frequent miscommunications and arguments
  4. Foul and unexplained smells
  5. Sudden and surprising financial issues and struggles
  6. Lots of bad luck such as a series of bad outcomes
  7. Frequent insomnia and nightmares
  8. Exhaustion and unexplained sicknesses and conditions
  9. Lack of passion or enthusiasm
  10. Feeling light-headed and dizzy when you enter the space
  11. Not thinking positively; negative mood swings; or foggy thinking, lethargy, indifference, or hypersensitivity
  12. The sense that something is off, different, or present and you can’t identify the source or adequately explain it

You may pick up on one or more of these symptoms. And, it is possible to experience all of them.

However, two important attributes of these signs are their novelty and frequency. That is you never or rarely experienced them before and now they occur with notable, worrisome, and/or unsettling frequency. Just because you can’t explain it, doesn’t make it inherently negative. But the fact that it’s making you uncomfortable makes it harmful. This supports a common assertion that how a person experiences energy strongly contributes to its level of toxicity.

So, if you’re experiencing any of these signs of negative energy in your home, you want to do an energy clearing. You can do it yourself or get an energy healer to do it for you. One benefit of various types of energy healers is they will typically have several different ways to do clearings if simple methods are enough.

As an energy healer and shamanic practitioner, I use several specialized techniques. However, you can use herbs in a smudge form – the more common smoldering dry herb stick smudge or try a liquid smudge that has no smoky soldering side effects.

For More Ideas On How to Clear Your Home of Negative Energy, See:



About Patricia Bonnard, PhD, ACC

Mind-body-spirit healing. Addressing the whole person, I blend conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing to help you live a more balanced, confident and conscious life. Offering sessions in-person (Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC area) and virtually anywhere in the world. Workshops, eBooks, free guided meditations, and an active blog are also available.